
our culture at Wild Rose Beef

A different approach to business reflects on the culture within it. For us this is empowering others and sharing openly, developing trust amongst our team and customers. Together we embrace new challenges and remain flexible in trying new things.

As a team, we carry the confidence of people that know who we are, but ensure we are always looking at ways to continuously improve. We approach our business with excitement, from the thrill of opportunity. We are a group of people with great experience all across the meat industry, however we approach everything with a youthful curiosity, asking questions all the time. We always encourage each other to step forward and make decisions with a supportive “that’s why you’re here”. When something needs doing, we make it happen right then and there. We enjoy special experiences, but we always show up as we are. We know what we like and we know how to get the most of life.


Join Our Team

We are a family run business, but we are always looking for people in the key areas of:

  • On-farm animal production
  • Farm and land management
  • Feedlot Management and veterinarian services
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Administration
  • Food production and packaging
  • Inventory and warehousing
  • Quality and Safety Assurance

We would love you to send us your resume so we can consider you for a match with our employment opportunities.

Also, please look through the positions listed here and consider applying! We are a great team to work with and we are always looking for a great fit.

Current Job Postings
